Thursday, April 10, 2008

interesting isnt it?

this can be an interesting topic. one day you walk along the road & you find an advert like this one. it reads:

all adverts lie.

now lets look into this statement more carefully.
if its true that all adverts lie, then it means that since this is also an advert, it is also not telling the truth(it is lying) so all adverts do not lie
this statement cannot be trusted because this is also an advert.

again if it is not true that all adverts lie, meaning all adverts do not lie, then it means that since this is an advert it is telling the truth that all adverts lie. huh!! yes i said that. i repeat: then it means that this advert is telling the truth that all adverts lie.

At this point you may be asking yourself how is that possible. in critical thinking it is possible because of the usage of paradox. now you see that sentences that we logically think are simple and straight forward does not necessarily mean they are until after we analyze them more.

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